Advantages of this set of equipment:
1. Compared with flat farming, the amount of feed per unit area can be increased by more than 50 percent 2. Chicken manure and chicken completely separate, make chicken clean and tidy, improve the survival rate of chicken 3. Limited range of movement, low energy consumption, saving feed 4. Convenient observation, grouping, selection and isolation of chickens 5. Leave enough space for the chickens to gather food and drink, so that the cleanliness and health of the chickens are more in line with the standard. 6. Simple operation, stable structure, the overall use of corrosion resistant material composition, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, long service time.Product advantage
Automation cascading chicken cage, cage using automatic chicken bottom web design, in the later need a chicken, all equipment at the bottom of the web part can be pulled out, cage chicken will fall on the dung, as nightsoil belt transmission, the chicken to horizontal transmission device at the end of the henhouse, horizontal transmission device will transmit the chicken according to the actual situation to the hen house outside or loading, Save manpower labor, but also convenient bottom net cleaning. At the same time, the spring cage door design makes the broiler chicks into the cage simple and convenient, for the single broiler out of the cage and epidemic prevention is also very convenient.

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